An artful typographic portrait of Jackie Kennedy created with the Caslon Typeface in Adobe Illustrator. This project showcases my ability to arrange type with set space. I have long had a deep respect for the former United States First Lady, Jackie Kennedy, so I drew on that respect to create a typographic portrait of this remarkable woman. 
To create this piece, I used quotes from Jackie Kennedy and utilized the Caslon typeface to represent Jackie’s passion for editing. I varied the font size, leading and kerning to add necessary highlights and shadows to capture the likeness of this unforgettable woman in American history.
This piece showcases my ability to single-handedly take designs from the conceptual phase through the creation process and all the way to the final Photoshop edit and printable file.

I used physical and digital methods to create an educational poster depicting the planets and Pluto uniquely represented as garden snails. This piece began as many separate pen and ink sketches I drew by hand on fine-toothed notebook paper. I then used an electronic scanner to create digital copies of these sketches and digitally colored them in Adobe Photoshop using NASA images as background and reference. To create a funky yet educational feeling, I chose to use a thin, serif font for the title and the subheading. This font and image paring represents my ability to create unique yet successful design element combinations.
An artichoke illustration showing my ability to depict botanical subjects.  
This collection of illustrations showcases my ability to create cohesive assets that companies can use as graphics for social media posts and other promotional artifacts. 

I created each of these pieces by using industry-standard illustration techniques. The original drawings were done in pencil, inked, and finally colored with watercolor. I then digitally scanned and retouched the graphics using Adobe Photoshop.
A travel poster for the mythical plains of Carterhaugh. I created this physical piece using ink and watercolor.
Digital Illustration 
A digital collage created in Photoshop to celebrate the accomplishments of the woman of the twentieth century.
A Photoshop collage that I created while in my first year of college. This project was a self-portrait assignment wherein the artists were required to mix their images with their passions. This poster showcases my love for Shakespeare, theater, and creative endeavors.  
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